My largest body of work consists of what I know and love, Northern Michigan. It reflects a historical journey of Charlevoix, Michigan looking at life through a tiny window of the world during my lifetime living in a small resort town. In my work, I hope to preserve happy memories and the American dream that are part of our childhood and adult culture. I have painted many local scenes of buildings, landmarks and landscapes. All have a special meaning… and a story. I enjoy capturing these moments in time on canvas and paper, recording this Up North area during my life. Businesses come and go as progress, good times and bad effect the small town. I use artistic creativity and emotion to express and accentuate the unseen story. I have named this series of my work the Pure Charlevoix Collection. If a viewer stops for just a moment to view, enjoy and reflect on a painting I created, perhaps evoking a fond memory, then I have succeeded in my work.
I do not limit myself to only Charlevoix scenes. Other projects often consist of multiple works, in a range of different media, grouped around specific themes and meanings. During research and production new areas of interest arise and lead to the next body of work. I believe an artist can never stop learning. I feel I need to try new things and enjoy experimenting in new mediums and artistic styles in order to better my own art and to grow. – Linda Boss